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6.5-magnitude earthquake in Indonesia.

Image Credit: EMSC

On Friday, March 22nd at 3.53pm Jakarta time, an earthquake struck the Java Sea, Indonesia, 38 km southwest of Bawean Island, East Java at a shallow depth of 10km.

The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.

The earthquake was felt as light shaking in Paciran (pop. 27,100) located 105 km from the epicenter, Tuban (pop. 76,200) 112 km away, Bangkalan (pop. 62,200) 132 km away, Lamongan (pop. 59,200) 132 km away, Gresik (pop. 73,600) 141 km away, Kebomas (pop. 76,000) 141 km away, Bojonegoro (pop. 86,600) 145 km away, and Surabaya (pop. 2,374,700) 154 km away.

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