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Russia amassing more troops near Ukrainian border and Crimea.

Russia base Crimea

Russian Camp in Crimea. Image Credit: PlanetLabs.

New reports have revealed that more Russian troops continued to surround Ukraine in what is considered a possible planned Russian incursion in the coming weeks or months.

Russia has denied any intentions to send troops within the Ukrainian border, but recently there were increased hostilities between Russian-backed rebels and Ukrainian troops suggesting otherwise. Russia has maintained that the troops amassing in the border were in response to threats by NATO.

Recently, images released by Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) revealed a Russian army camp Voronezh, while heavy equipment was also seen being transported to Crimea and near the border of Eastern Ukraine.

Planet Labs also revealed a new Russian camp in Eastern Crimea while more troops amass around Ukraine. It is believed that Russia has amassed 150,000 troops in Crimea and near the Ukrainian border according Josep Borrell a High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU.

It is the highest Russian military deployment at Ukrainian borders ever.

Josep Borell

As a response to continued deployment of troops and heavy equipment in Crimea and near Eastern Ukraine border, United Kingdom will be sending two warships to Black Sea according to leaked documents. It is believed that they will do so next month. The two warships will be a Type 45 destroyer and anti-submarine Type 23 Frigate. Aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth will be in the vicinity to support the warships in the Black Sea. UK defense chiefs also confirmed six Royal Air Force Typhoon fighter jets will fly to Eastern Europe as part of pre-planned mission.

EU foreign ministers have showed their full support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


  1. “Russian troops continued to surround Ukraine”
    While Russia get surrounded by NATO.
    “response to threats by NATO.”
    Which is true!


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