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Category: Outbreak

Israel reinstates indoor mask requirement.

Image Credit: Ohad Zwigenberg The Israeli government has reinstated the mandatory use of masks indoors as the Delta variant (Indian variant) of coronavirus spreads in Israel increasing the number of […]

Black Fungus Epidemic in India.

A doctor examines a patient that just recovered from coronavirus now infected with the black fungus infection. Image Credit: AFP. Several Indian states have declared a new epidemic that has […]

Austria’s health minister resigns.

Image Credit: © Bundeskanzleramt (BKA) / Andy Wenzel On Tuesday, Austrian health minister Rudolf Anschober, 60, has resigned, after he said that he cannot continue his job helping the country in combating […]

Five million Israelis have been vaccinated.

Image Credit: Miriam Alster/Flash90 The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu announced that 5 million people have been vaccinated, out of a population of 9.3 million, and the entire over-16 […]